January 13, 2018

Terra Firma

After 7 days at sea we anchor in a small bay just offshore of Taiohae, Nuku Hiva, the largest island of the Marquesas.  
 The “included” tour was an unguided walking tour with stationary guides along the way to point out sites or native activities, such as weaving palm leaves, beading, and grilling breadfruit.  A squall rolled in and we found shelter under a banyan (maybe) tree along with several fellow passengers.  Minutes later we continued.
Not this tree, but I thought this was pretty cool

I tried to use the telescoping, Bluetooth selfie stick that I bought, but haven’t been able to pair it with the phone, so this one’s just arm’s length away.  Notice our ship in the distance between Bob and I.
Although this is the largest of the Marquesas, there isn’t much in the immediate port area.  I guess we’ll hear from other passengers if we should have taken an optional tour into the interior.  None of the choices appealed to me and all were aboard open-air four wheel drive vehicles (free massage, whether you want one or not.)

After walking around town, grabbing a Tahitian beer, 

and checking out some native wares, we headed back to the ship to watch the Atlanta Falcons / Philadelphia Eagles game.  Watched the first half while sipping a pina colada.  Yum.  They make a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. The scenery is beautiful! How was the beer? I just made my first attempt at home brewing, it will be ready this week.


Whaduya think?