January 31, 2018

Bay of Islands, New Zealand

First stop - Bay of Islands, an area consisting of mainland and more than 150 islands at the northern tip of New Zealand's North Island.  We anchor just outside of Russell, but unfortunately didn't have time to check it out.  Tenders went two different ways, independent travelers went to Russell and those on excursions went to Waitangi. Our excursion is the glowworm caves in Kawiti, about a 45 minute drive.  I'm always anxious to go on a cave tour, so this outing appealed to me. 

Bathroom stop at KawaKawa, a cute little town with celebrated public bathrooms.
Outside public bathrooms

Inside public bathroom

In the stall
Just had enough time to check out the bathrooms, grab some pictures, and buy a new cap.
No cap
New cap
At the caves we were backed up behind another tour and had a march through the woods to kill some time while they cleared.  Many of these folks didn't sign on for a hike.

Back at the caves, we got the rules-no photos, in fact-no lights.  A few people were given lanterns and we entered in single file.  Not too far along the lantern bearers were told to turn on the lanterns.  Far above us, little clusters of fairy lights.  That's it.  Underwhelming.  It's no Howe Caverns.
Our return trip took us through a public golf course with a view of the bay.  Bob was impressed with the $750 NZ (approx $550 US) annual fee, which entitles a member to unlimited golf.

No time to tender over to Russell, which I hear later was a charming place.  Despite the disappointing day, I'm already captivated by the look and the vibe of New Zealand.

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