January 23, 2018

Bob goes to the Kingdom of Tonga

It was surprising when I looked out the veranda window in the morning to see the topography of Tonga.  Unlike all the previous ports that had majestic volcanic evidence, Tongatapu is totally flat, the highest elevation being 213 feet above sea level.  Tongatapu is the largest of the 169 islands that make up Tonga.  
Tonga is the only monarchy in the South Pacific.  This is the palace of King Toupo VI.
China has been inserting itself in Tonga, evidenced by their rebuilding the port to accommodate ships of our size.
Also, under construction are new government buildings that are a gift from The People's Republic of China.

My throat not improving, I finally decided to use one of the Mexican Z-pacs that I’ve been storing in the frig and carrying back and forth from New York to Arizona for a few years.  I stayed on board to recuperate.
Bob went on a walking tour but quickly peeled off to do his own thing.  Some of the sights he saw:
Making ngatu (bark cloth)
Woman wearing ngatu skirt
House draped in mourning colors
Public market
Meanwhile, back at the ship, Viking was entertaining some Tongan dignitaries, including the Prime Minister.  The port officers were dining at the World Cafe (the buffet.)   I watched them going back and forth to refill their plates.  They must have thought they had died and gone to heaven.  These guys were huge.  No wonder rugby is the national sport.

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing adventures! Thanks very much for sharing photos and comments. It does sound as though your are not at all bored, though I'm sorry for your illness. Get better soon! NDK


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