January 3, 2018

Cabo San Lucas

Isn't this gorgeous?  We were up early to go on a whale watching excursion and Bob captured this on the way to breakfast.  He has such a good eye.  His photos are always much better than mine.

If you've ever been whale watching you know that it's generally just a long boat ride, period.  Well, this was a short boat ride.  We tendered from our ship and walked a few steps to board the whale watching vessel.  Then we motored out just beyond where our ship was anchored.  That's where the whales were.  There was a whole gang of other sightseeing boats, water taxis, and para-sailers all hoping to catch a glimpse of a whale.  These waters of The Sea of Cortez are winter residence and mating grounds for humpback whales, sperm whales, and gray whales.  We were able to catch sight of some humpbacks.  Every time one was spotted all the boats converged on the site where they were expected to emerge again.  I wonder if this is an annoyance to the whales, especially since our boat's sound system was blaring rock music.  Do whales like Bruce Springsteen too?

Included in this little sightseeing cruise were some popular photo ops:

Honeymoon Beach

El Arco de Cabo

just kidding

After whale watching we walked around Cabo.  Very touristy.  Our Canadian friends were in search of a Hard Rock Cafe to pick up a souvenir t-shirt.  After walking a couple of miles and fending off locals selling jewelry, whale watching excursions, bicycle taxi rides, photos with iguanas, sombreros, golf excursions, Cuban cigars, and the best "Can I sell you something you don't need?" we discovered that the Hard Rock Cafe had gone out of business.  By that time I needed a cerveza.  Looking for "funky." 

We took our chances and shared an El Jefe.  As of this date, nobody has Motezuma's revenge.

Walking back to the ship we saw the silliest thing yet, a fish pedicure.


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