January 21, 2018

Bora Bora

Of all the places we've been so far, this is where I'd return for some further exploration. 
Bob and I went separate ways, he on a snorkeling boat ride and me on a bus trip around the circumference of the island. The island measures 4 miles by 2 1/2 miles.  There is a road around but no roads through.   The first stop on my tour was at a family business that makes pareos, hand painted sarongs.  First step is to fold and twist the piece of cotton. 

Each craft person has their particular signature twist.  Next, dip in vats of natural dyes followed by an alcohol fixative, unfold, lay out to dry applying linoleum stencils in a random pattern, dry for 15 minutes, done.
On a side note. When Polynesian families have a large number of male children, they may choose to raise one of them as a female.  Our cruise director explained this to us so we wouldn't be shocked.

Continuing on my tour, we stopped at the famous Bloody Mary's.  A tourist trap, but it did have a sand floor and a cool bathroom sink. 
Along the tour route the guide pointed out some resorts, the thatched roof huts built over water that you imagine when you think of Tahiti or Bora Bora. 
Oddly, a few of these had gone out of  business and have been vacant for a few years.  Club Med was one of the defunct properties. 

Next stop-the beach.  Crap, they didn't tell me to wear my bathing suit.  So, I waded in.  Saw lots of familiar faces there.  It turns out that the crew knows all the best places to go at port.  I remember that from our Norway cruise.  When we figured out that the crew knew all the best WiFi hot spots, we would follow them.

Meanwhile Bob was having a wonderful time petting stingrays and swimming with sharks.  No petting the sharks or you get thrown out of the water.

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