January 10, 2018

A day in the life

-actually seven days. 

Seven days at sea between Los Angeles and Taiohae, Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia.  You’d think it would get boring.  You’d think I’d get a lot of reading done.  Not so.

There’s a packed schedule that almost makes you forget about meals.

Yesterday, for example-
  • Yoga 8 to 9
  • Breakfast
  • Bridge lessons 9:30 to 10:30
  • Free until lunch
  • Mahjong lesson 1 to 3
  • Bridge homework #@%&@
  • Lecture 6:15 to 7:00
  • Dinner
  • More bridge homework @#%^&*
  • Set clocks back
That's what I did.  I could have done a lot more.  I could have taken a journal writing class, taken dance lessons, gone to a cooking demonstration, walked, gone to the spa, gone to a show after dinner, and gone out dancing until after midnight.

When we got on the ship in Miami, we were joined by a group of entertainers and lecturers.  The entertainers left and new ones boarded along the way.  The lecturers stayed on until LA where we got a whole new slate.  This group will be with us until Auckland. 

Here’s today’s schedule-

Gotta go… bridge @$^@^#%

1 comment:

  1. Have to tell you that your blog is one of the best I have ever read! Love it...thanks for including your friends and family along on the trip! Julie & Steve


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