April 3, 2018

Chennai (formerly Madras)

I was considering not even getting off the ship in India.  Our neighbor in the next cabin has been on five world cruises and he’s not getting off.   On the other hand, his wife is going with a group that’s doing a six day overland excursion to the Taj Mahal. 

We had originally been scheduled for an excursion to Kanchipuram:  City of 1,000 temples.  The fact that it was a nine hour trip and that we'd had our fill of temples by this time led me to rethink the excursion and change it to a three hour city tour.  The city tour visited only one temple, two churches, and Fort Saint George museum. 

First we walked through the government building parking lot to Saint Mary’s Church, which we couldn’t enter because it’s Easter Sunday.  We passed these charming pay toilets on the way. 
Continuing on to the museum, we’re already wilting in the heat and humidity.  The most popular exhibit at the museum was the oscillating fan.  Lighting at the museum was dim.  The exhibits were grimy, uninspiring and riddled with typos.  One passenger pointed out that the cannon outside was made of plastic.  We all just wanted to get back in the bus air conditioning.
The bus took us past Marina Beach, a six kilometer beach where swimming is prohibited due to the rough conditions.  Nonetheless, the beach is wide and sandy and crowded with people (and garbage.)  The women are wrapped in colorful saris, really beautiful but all I can think is how hot they look. 

The next stop is Saint Thomas Basilica.  Who knew there were so many Catholics in India!  Doubting Thomas is alleged to be buried in the basement.  Again, we’re not allowed in the church but can enter the crypt below after removing shoes.  Shoes go missing.  I elected to stay on the bus. 

Next we visit the old Mylapore section of Chennai.  Those who wish can follow the guide on a walk to a temple while the bus circles to the pickup stop.  I, and a third of the group, stay on the bus.  I not only avoided the heat and garbage on the streets, but I got some good street views from the comfort of the bus. 

I saw cows roaming free on the streets but wasn’t quick enough to snap pictures.  Bob made the walk through garbage strewn alleys to the temple which was closed.

That’s it.  That’s the day.  By the way, the excursion as described in our Viking guidebook:
“…the marina, an elegant seaside promenade, to the tree-lined avenues of Mylapore….”

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