April 27, 2018

Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy and Rock the Casbah

Today, in another example of bad scheduling, we’re in Algeria for a full day, while yesterday we had only half a day in Cagliari.  So, today we decided to stay on board and not rock the Casbah (more on that later.) 

We had a panoramic bus tour of Cagliari with our guide Maura, who ended every word with a vowel.  First we were driven by the beaches and beach communities.  Looks like a nice place.  Lots of people out walking and biking the pedestrian path.   On the way there and back we pass the salt marshes that are known for a particular type of shrimp that flamingos feed on.  Got a few drive-by photos of the flamingos.  Later from above, we were able to see the faint pink tinge in the marsh where the nesting areas are. 

The last part of the tour was a walking tour through the old walled city.  Wonderful Italy-along the way I ducked into a gelateria for a tiramisu gelato.  This is a typical Italian hill town, with narrow cobblestone streets opening into charming piazzas.  At the bottom of the hill we had some free time to linger in the commercial center before making our way back to the ship.  Not near enough time.

Upon our return to the ship we attended the usual “Port Talk,” which is where we learn about the upcoming port’s excursions and what to expect in terms of the weather, the culture, the currency, and other pertinent details.  The presentation on Algiers, Algeria was so negative that Bob and I decided to stay in today.  (I’ve been catching up on my blogging, instead.)  The negative information about Algiers included such things as 1-we’d be appreciating Chennai and Cochin by comparison; 2-there would be police escorts, but we're aren’t allowed to take pictures of them or cameras will be confiscated; 3-we aren’t allowed to go out independently; 4-if we aren’t on a ship’s tour we can’t leave the ship; 5-we will get lost in the Casbah without the guide and may never be found again; 6-we can’t use binoculars because Algerians associate them with war and will confiscate them; 7-there are no souvenirs to buy because there is virtually no tourist industry; 8-there are no bathroom stops, etc., etc., etc.,  

I hope everybody that went out had a miserable time.

I’m caught up on the blog.  Tomorrow is Spain.

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