May 1, 2018

Cartagena and Malaga-part1

I love walking the streets of these European cities.  That’s what we did in both of these Spanish cities, clocking over five miles each day despite Bob’s heel spur.  The temperature was perfect in Cartagena..

 In Cartagena, because we were docked right at the city, we skipped our tour which would have taken us out of town to see a couple of churches (Zzzzz), and instead hoofed around on our own.  The weather was perfect.  The pedestrian only streets, paved in colorful tile and lined with stores and cafes, were delightful. 

Cartagena came under Roman rule in 209 BC.  We climbed the hills amidst archeological remains of the Roman forum, the amphitheater, the temple, and the mill. 

We headed back to the ship and were surprised that a fog had rolled in.  Pretty.  Soon enough, it burned away and again we were able to see the hundreds of moored sailboats.  There was an odd looking boat-like thing which, from a distance, we thought was a sculpture, maybe an interpretation of a sailboat.  Found out later that this is a 480 million dollar superyacht “A” belonging to a Russian oligarch.  It has eight levels, electronic windows, and a glass hull. 

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