April 23, 2018

Luxor and the Temple of Karnak

We’ve sailed from Jordan to Safaga, Egypt.  Our excursion to The Temple Complex of Karnak at Luxor means another long day, ten hours of which six will be on the bus.  Armed security guards are required on all tour buses.  I guess that’s supposed to make us feel safe.  So now, in addition to tipping a driver and a guide, we have to tip the guy with the gun.

The first part of the ride was very similar to yesterday’s, desolate and dry.  The route was littered with check points, manned by uniformed and gun toting sentries.  Also along the way were hundreds of speed bumps, making the going slow and picture taking from the bus window almost impossible
As we get closer to Luxor and the Nile valley, the landscape turns greener and the road is lined with sugar cane plots and mud brick homes.  None of the homes looks complete, although they are apparently occupied.  Columns of rebar rise from whatever is the most recently constructed floor.  Our guide explains that taxes aren’t due until the building is done and this practice also leaves open the possibility of adding a floor for the extended family.  The buildings are mostly drab and dirt colored.  There’s an occasional attempt to express individuality by painting balconies in colorful and offbeat patterns. 

At Luxor, first we have lunch.  Since most of the ship’s passengers have traveled to Luxor for one or another of the offered excursions, the timing was choreographed so that everyone wouldn’t converge on Karnak at the same time.

So, this is another pile of rocks with hieroglyphics and hawkers.  You can read about it in Wikipedia.  It is pretty cool, though.  Mind boggling to imagine how this was constructed as early as 2050 BC and how the huge columns and obelisks were put in place.


Time to go.  Bus breaks down, bad tire.  They call for another.  This one has inadequate air conditioning.  Long ride home.  Speed bumps and checkpoints. Our guide is very enthusiastic about encouraging us to return to Egypt and to tell all our friends how safe it is to travel here.

Oops, I didn't tip the security guard.

1 comment:

  1. You are on the home stretch now! Amazing sights and you both look like you are still enjoying each other. You have way more stamina than me to endure those bus rides, but I am sure the end is worth it.

    Your home in SCG is doing just fine, our temps have not reached the sustained 100's yet so inside of house is still in the 70's. I bet you are looking forward to getting back to Bob and Janet Lifestyle in NY. Take care, Connie and Don Bollard


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