February 8, 2018


This excursion was my favorite so far.  Just a bus ride, but the driver was entertaining and the scenery was spectacular.  We traveled a narrow winding road from Dunedin along the coastline and out the Otago Peninsula.  After about 15 miles we began to climb.  The road got narrower and the driver got more entertaining.  He had a comedy routine, cursing out the oncoming traffic as they tried to negotiate their way by our bus.  We enjoyed the beautiful views of fields dotted with sheep as we overlooked the coastal road we had just traveled.

After the hair-raising ride, we had time in Dunedin on our own.  Dunedin has the vibe of the university town that it is, sidewalk cafes and eclectic dining opportunities.  It's considered to be the best preserved Victorian city in the world.  I wish we had driven through those neighborhoods.  I spotted architectural remnants but nothing Victorian.

On the way out of town we sailed by the tip of the peninsula where seals and albatross make their home.  I was anxious to spot an albatross and I'm sure I did.  Sorry, no picture.


  1. One good thing about this trip is that you will know what areas of the world you two would like to explore MORE and return for a longer, more intensive visit. At least that sounds good...doesn't it? Julie & Steve


Whaduya think?