February 2, 2018

Auckland-day 2

Wine for breakfast.

Ferries buzz back and forth between Auckland and nearby islands and other mainland cities.  The long holiday weekend is over and we watch commuters streaming into Auckland from these seaside enclaves.  We board the ferry in the opposite direction, heading to Waihke to tour a couple of the 30 wineries on Waihke.  Auckland recedes into the distance as the high speed passenger ferry carries us away.
A bus picks us up at the ferry pier and we wind our way through Waihke to the first stop,  As we pass little hillside cottages, our guide Clark Kent, a native, tells us about the popularity of the island for both commuters and vacationers.  Natives like him are accustomed to renting out their homes in the summer months while they and their families move into a trailer, boat or shack in the back yard. They can make $2500 per week during the summer to carry them through the slow winter months.

A glass of sparkling rose awaits, followed by a pinot grigio and a pinot noir.

After sipping wine and enjoying the views, we head for the beach where we have tea and scones at a seaside cafe and time on our own to dip our toes in the Pacific.  Unfortunately, we hadn't been told there would be a swimming opportunity.
On to the next winery. 
This winery also produces olive oil.  We gathered in the olive grove while the tour guide raved about their prizewinning $300/bottle rose, which we wouldn’t be tasting today.

Return trip to Auckland on the ferry.  Wish we had enough time to hop on another ferry and visit nearby Devenport.  Oh well, next time.  I like it here.

1 comment:

  1. We LOVED N Zealand when we visited in 1991. Always wanted to go back and see more of the North Island. N Zealand is a great place, and beautiful. It takes a few seconds sometimes to figure out what the guides are saying, and then it kicks in...no worries! Julie & Steve


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