March 28, 2018

Say Goodbye to Malaysia

It’s been a long time from the first Malaysian city to the last: 

3/2- Kota Kinabalu and Mt. Kinabalu
3/28-George Town (Penang)

George Town has a British history and retains that influence.  It’s named a UNESCO World Heritage site for its blend of colonial and Asian architecture.  

Our guide on the “3 hour tour” was a comedian, but wasn’t a very good guide.  We only covered a five-block area and he inconveniently had the driver pull over when there was nothing to see and drive by sights that deserved more attention.  He delivered us back to the ship after about an hour and a half.  

We decided not to explore any further on our own.  That was probably a mistake.  I guess we’re getting burnt out.

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