December 29, 2017


Don't bother going to Nicaragua.  We docked at Corinto and drove to Leon.

Most of the local guides to date have provided a narrative that included facts about the government, education, wages, etc.  Also, previous guides were very proud of their countries.  Both Costa and Panama have high levels of literacy, the fact of which they are very proud.  Both Costa Rica and Panama provide healthcare, education, and a safety net for the poor and elderly.  Nicaragua's social system seems non-existent, or haphazard at best.  The most I can say is that the roads were pretty good (compared to Guatemala, as we learned later.)

This is all there was to see in Leon and it took us two hours to get there.  Our local guides, in general, have been very good and informative.  This fellow didn't give us much information plus he lost a couple of passengers and didn't realize it until halfway back to the ship.  I'm not sure how the story ended.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely seems to be a country to skip...hope the "lost" passengers made it easily back to the ship by taxi!


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