December 29, 2017

Bobopedia on Nicaragua

The poorest country in Central America and second poorest after Haiti, if you include the Caribbean.

Recent history of Nicaragua-

The Somoza family ruled until 1979 when the Sandinistas overthrew the dynasty.  The Sandinistas took their name from Sandin, who was executed by the national police and became a symbol of the revolution against the Somoza dynasty.

The Sandinistas were lead by Daniel Ortega who aligned with Cuba and Russia while steering the country toward socialism.  Opposition rebels known as Contras formed and sought support from the United States.  The Contras committed atrocities in an effort to destabilize the regime.  Because of the human rights violations the US Congress cut off aid to the Contras, despite Regan's objections.  The Regan administration circumvented the sanctions by selling missiles to Iran and diverting the proceeds to the Contras.  Remember Ollie North and the Iran Contra scandal. 

The eventual outcome was Ollie got a radio show and Nicaragua eventually became a dysfunctional democracy.

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